APU Careers Careers & Learning

Optimize Your Resume With Keywords

By: J. Mason
Online Career Tips Staff

While you’re busting your hump to get your resume seen, you may be getting reviewed by potential employers you didn’t even know about. If you have an online presence on places liked LinkedIn and Facebook you’ll want to make sure your “working” traits and skills are portrayed tactfully, and with lots of SEO.

[5 Tips for Improving Your Visibility on LinkedIn]

Not familiar with the term SEO, well you should be. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It includes things like keywords, metatags, the title of a page, description and more. This is how search engines find you things when you do a simple search on places like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. The higher items appear on the page, the more relevant they are to the search. If a potential employer enters terms looking for someone with IT experience, specifically with Microsoft CRM integration then the results they get will vary based on the profiles on the site. When you write out your resume and profile make sure to include “hot words”, items that will be picked up in a skim. Since people don’t read the full extent of a page, they skim it, they’ll be looking for certain words.

To make yourself stand out from the rest of hungry job hunters do some research on terms for your industry. Try integrating key terms that give a better idea of the work you do, while making you more visible to the employment recruiters out there.

[related: Don’t Hurt Your Job Search By Being Passive]

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