APU Careers Careers & Learning

Proper Research for a Better Outcome

tips-for-acing-interviewBy Rowe Leathers
Contributor, Career Services

One common piece of advice a job seeker gets is to prepare for the interview. They are told to “research” so that they are ready for the questions. Good advice, right? Not exactly. Sadly, most candidates do little more than just read and re-read the job posting and think that they are ready.

In the interview process, the candidate is often at the mercy of the interviewer. However, a well- prepared candidate with proper research can direct the interview and use it to showcase his or her suitability for the job role.

When preparing for an interview, a candidate should consider the following steps:

The Company: As a candidate, you are hiring yourself an employer. Take time to understand your own motives and why you want to be part of the company; try to look beyond just needing a job.

  • Visit the corporate website – What is the company mission? Are you aligned with their purpose? Research the internet to learn about the corporate culture, achievements, and trending news. If the organization has been on the news lately, you need to know about it.
  • Read company leadership profiles – Who is leading the organization? Use LinkedIn along with the corporate bios to learn about them.

The Job Role: Read and understand the position the interviewer is seeking to fill.

  • Identify required competencies to ensure you meet them, and can convey your qualifications effectively, clearly, and accurately.
  • Review your resume and adjust content to convey your qualifications and suitability for the job. Adjust your resume so that it speaks the same language as the employer. Tailor your resume to the target job so that it showcases relevant information.
  • Understand your strengths and weaknesses. Practice how you will communicate them in a way that is relevant to the needs of the potential employer. Prepare for situational questions that you have struggled with in the past, and have in mind situations and outcomes you can use to showcase your effectiveness.
  • Use the internet to research the person who last held the position. Why did they leave the position? Check their LinkedIn profile to see if it lists a new position.

For your next interview, consider using these tips to guide your research. A candidate who takes the time to prepare will have a better chance of directing his or her outcome as proper research provides not only relevant information, but also brings about confidence that will come across during the interview.

[Related: How to Prepare for an Interview]

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