APU Careers Careers & Learning

Conquer Your Interview Jitters!

know-your-rights-interviewBy Marcia Powers
Contributor, Career Services

One of the most elating moments during your job search is getting called in for an interview. But for many of us, that happy feeling is quickly diminished by a swarm of stomach butterflies and a mind racing with questions. What should I wear? What will they ask me? What have I gotten myself into?!

It’s ok to be a little uneasy before an interview, but don’t let your anxiety get the best of you. If you find that your interview jitters are out of control, take action to regain your composure and ace your interview.

Ditch the “Scary Interview” facade, and think of the interview as a conversation.

If you have the mindset that an interview is an interrogational meeting, then no wonder you are nervous! An interview, simply put, is a professional conversation between you and the employer, where you learn about each other’s goals, needs, and talents. Be prepared to discuss your qualifications and experiences when asked, but also come prepared to add to the conversation with educated questions of your own.

Focus on the elements of your interview that are within your control.

When it comes to interviewing, there are many unknowns and what-ifs that are outside of your control. For example, it’s impossible to know what questions the interviewer will ask or whether or not they think your personality will be a good fit. Dwelling on these things won’t relieve you from your sweaty palms. Instead, focus your energy on what you can control to help your interview be a success such as researching the company, choosing appropriate attire, and sending a thank you note after the interview.

Have a plan in case you get stumped by a question.

No matter how much you prepare for your interview, you’re bound to be asked a question that will stump you. Don’t let this bother you. Instead, develop a strategy ahead of time that will allow you to re-gain your focus in this situation. For example, when stumped, you might say something like: “That’s a great question, may I have a few moments to think about this?” Or, you might repeat the question aloud once or twice if talking out loud helps you to gather your thoughts.

Determine why you’re a great fit for the position to boost your confidence.

Do you know what makes you a great candidate for this position? If you can’t answer this question confidently, you’re going to have a tough time convincing the employer. Take some time to fully review the job description and the company’s goals, and be prepared to explain the relevance of your unique qualifications to the employer. If you know and believe in your value and can pitch yourself to the employer, you will feel much more confident walking into the interview.

With the right mindset and proper preparation, you can conquer your interview jitters!

[Related: 5 Ways to Shake Off You Job Interview Anxiety]

About the Author: Marcia attended the University of Minnesota – Duluth where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in History. After graduation, Marcia decided to serve in the AmeriCorps where she discovered her passion for helping others achieve their academic and career goals. Deciding that Higher Education was the right path for her, Marcia gained experience in Admissions and Financial Aid before transitioning to Career Services at American Public University System (APUS). As a Career Coach at APUS, Marcia’s industries of focus are Emergency and Disaster Management, Homeland Security, Criminal Justice, and Security Management. Marcia currently resides in West Virginia and enjoys spending her free time hiking, fishing, and camping with her family and friends.

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