APU Careers Careers & Learning

Bring Good Customer Service Into the Cubicle

By J. Mason
Online Career Tips Staff

We expect great service when we go out for a meal, or stay in a hotel. In the hospitality industry good customer service skills are essential for any employee, as most companies build their customer base through reputation. The same should apply to professionals in other industries. Whether you deal with people on a weekly, or hourly basis, you need to make sure your customer service skills get a good rating.

Being known for being grouchy, sarcastic, or short is something you’ll want to avoid. You may not like everyone you work with, but that doesn’t mean you can’t show them the same amount of enthusiasm as your work buddies. Treat every situation as a growth opportunity. While you won’t be able to change your attitude overnight, there are workarounds for these interactions. Here are some thoughts to working around your quirks and improving on customer relations:

  • Always smile and say hello when an unexpected colleague drops by your cube or desk.
  • Don’t ever turn someone down flat, offer a workaround or possible solution.
  • Respond to emails within the hour that they’re sent.
  • Don’t be short in your emails, it can be misconstrued.
  • Incorporate some lightness into continuous conversations and meetings; make each instance constructive, but pleasant.

Nobody is perfect, but you’ll get a lot farther if you have a positive outlook. Stand out for your reliability and hospitality in the office space, and avoid getting a negative reputation by being patient and listening to those who work around you.

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