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Feeling Overwhelmed? Know When to Tap Your Boss for a Time Out

By J. Mason
Online Career Tips Staff

Not everyone is in their dream job, but a lot of employed people are happy or complacent where they currently are. To maintain a certain level of contentment it’s good to know when you’re at your max for work. If its the end of the day and your task list is still several blocks long, and you don’t have the resources to get them done on time, it may be time to tap out. While your manager is aware of your workload, they may not realize the actual scope of what’s involved.

How do I tell my boss I’m tapped out?
This may be difficult for some to do. You don’t want to be perceived as lazy, or incompetent in your position. But if you’re working every other night to keep up, and you’re starting to dread the “ding” of an email you need to take a step back. Being overwhelmed at work can lead to stress, aggression, and possibly depression. When it starts to teeter into your personal life then it need to be evaluated and possibly scaled back. Be up front with your boss. If you’ve tried working with the new task list for a month and it’s too much, they need to do. A good manager will want to maximize their resources, without leaving them deflated.

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Next step, prioritize
Once your projects and workload have been re-evaluated by your manager, make plans to delegate. If there’s a co-worker looking for extra work and is capable, make the suggestion of sending over less strenuous tasks. Teamwork in a group is important, and one way to work together is to share the responsibility.

In the end, the work will need to get done. Whether you delegate to someone reliable in the beginning, or wait until your hairs about to fall out, you’ll find that it isn’t good to hold back. If nothing changes, take the initiative and make a plan yourself to make sure the work gets done.

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