APU Careers Careers & Learning

Enhance Your Idea by Writing it Down


By: J. Mason
Online Career Tips Staff

We all have great ideas to bring to the table. Depending on your timing, they can be great for a current project or your boss can elect to hold off on them until the idea fills a particular need. To keep your idea from missing the mark try a new approach…write it down.

Since almost everyone has their own personal computer and smartphone, physically writing down ideas isn’t as necessary anymore. While it isn’t obvious, there is a small disconnect from what you type and what you write. If you notice, while typing you tend to think more, and when you write you just…write. It’s as if there is less pressure to expel what your brain is pondering at the moment.

So the next time an idea strikes your fancy, reach for a pen and paper and just write it down! I have post-it notes all over my cube, and while I may not use them at that moment, I will eventually since they’re so visible. It may also be a good rule of thumb to keep an “idea” notebook. Store your scribbles and ideas in there. If you have weekly staff meetings bring it with you. A topic may come up that relates to a recent idea, that’s when you pull out your smarts!

[related: Manage Your Education Intake]

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