


Interview with Dr. Angela Gibson and Rachel A. Adler

This is not your typical networking event. In this podcast we interview two STEM enthusiasts, Dr. Angela Gibson and Rachel Adler. At these socials attendees are also given direct access to scientists, engineers, and researchers at NASA.

By Rachel A. Adler
Online Career Tips Contributor

LinkedIn isn’t a magical unicorn, it is a tool and if you know how to use it properly you can build quite an empire. Make sure you aren’t sitting on a gold mine and just selling rocks. You have an awesome network so use it, share it, and contribute to it.

By Rachel A. Adler
Online Career Tips Contributor

Recently I was one of 25 people selected to attend NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Media Day at their location in Goddard, Maryland.  Aside from learning about the MMS, I also got to look at how NASA cultivates public relations and provides professional development for their scientist and engineers. Attention big companies – take a page from NASA on how to run a successful and informative media day.

By Rachel A. Adler
Online Career Tips Contributor

Twitter and job search don’t usually go hand in hand, but Twitter is a fantastic tool to help you with your job search. You can use twitter to learn about the industries you are interested in joining and follow thought-leader and maybe even connect with them in a conversation.

By Rachel A. Adler
Online Career Tips Contributor

Did you know that about 75 percent of the 68 million women working in the United States will become pregnant at some point in their lives? Historically, pregnant women and women with pregnancy-related medical conditions have at times faced significant discrimination in the workplace. Here is some great background for women in the workforce that are pregnant or plan on getting pregnant.

By Rachel A. Adler
Online Career Tips Contributor

Why is happiness important? Why is there an international movement to bring happiness? The Dalai Lama once said, “Only development of compassion and understanding for others can bring the tranquility and happiness we all seek.”. How does this relate to your career? A recent Gallup poll found only 13 percent of employees are actively engaged at work and emotionally invested in their jobs. This is why we need an International Happiness Day.

By Rachel A. Adler
Online Career Tips, Guest Contributor

You just got offered a great job, in a new city, new state, and far away from the life you currently live…so why would you relocate for it? Relocating is a lot like writing a research paper. Recently I relocated for a job and a lot of my friends and former colleagues thought I just packed up my nomadic lifestyle and decided to move. That is not what happened.