APU Careers Careers & Learning

Augment Your Learning Through Blogs

blogging-scienceBy Dr. Randall Cuthbert
Associate Professor, Emergency & Disaster Management at American Public University

Read any good blogs lately? In our 24-hour, always-plugged-in society, most experts have established blogs that bring the latest news, trends, opinion, and opportunities on a more-or-less continuous basis. These are a great way to augment your online learning and to stay current in your chosen career field.

As examples, I will point out two that are related to the APU School of Security & Global Studies:

  • In Homeland Security is a compilation of security-related news and commentary
  • EDM Digest is a compilation of emergency management-related news and commentary.

Have a look through them and you’ll start to see the possibilities.

There will be other blogs in your field—you just have to look to find them. The best will be from writers and editors who are subject matter experts; look for book authors, field reporters from reputable media, etc.

[related: Supplement Your Online Learning with Networking]

Unfortunately, there are a lot of blogs out there where the presentation is purely for political purposes, to sell something, or just to allow the author to be heard. As in the farming world, there’s much more chaff than wheat when one starts looking at blogs. You need to take time to sort out the blogs that are worthwhile.

Despite this, there are opportunities. Good blogs will provide opportunities to contact the authors. Bloggers love feedback and discussion—so ask them about what’s on your mind. How does their perception of a theory compare with what you just learned in class? What do they think about a trend you are seeing in the field? How did their life histories lead them to their success? What networking and other opportunities could they lead you to?

Of course, remember etiquette. Good blogs won’t post things for the purpose of starting an argument—so don’t start one. If you see inflammatory language and fireballs being thrown back and forth, move on. I can tell you from personal experience that attempting to be reasonable with flamethrowers doesn’t lead anywhere that you want to be, so don’t waste your time and energy.

I think you can see how this all begins to fit together. Your professional education is never finished. It is necessary to develop a comprehensive engagement strategy. Join professional organizations in your field, attend conferences, maximize social networking, and read and communicate through blogs. Taken together, the integration of these tools will make your professional experience truly exceptional and unique.

Onward and upward!

About the Author: Dr. Randall Cuthbert is an associate professor of Emergency & Disaster Management. He is also a contributing editor at EDMdigest.com, which provides a daily summary of Emergency Management news and analysis of current disaster-related events.

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