APU Business Careers Careers & Learning

Back to the Grind

finding-your-career-passionBy Nichole Ahlstrom
COLL100 Faculty at American Public University

The relaxation and serenity of summer have come to an end and now it is time to prepare for school to start, routines to take place, and to have order once again. To prepare for college as an adult keeping a schedule and communication with family members are essential.

When adults have educational needs as well as families and jobs, schedules and grades can suffer if not planned accordingly. This is especially true for online learners who have to create their own school day structure.

[Related: Your Passion and Earning a College Degree]

Developing a Schedule that Works

I have two young children in grade school. In order for my children’s education to be successful as well as mine, I attend to my children’s educational objectives and needs before my own. Helping my children make sure they have completed homework and are prepared for the next day allows me to focus on my studies once they are tucked in for the night.

After my kids are all set, I settle down in my school work space and tackle my tasks. My family knows that I need quiet time to focus on my studies. Being productive means being organized so that I can use that time as efficiently as possible.

Success also depends on me maintain a compatible work schedule. I need to be sure to get work done during work hours so that it does not spill over into my school time.

Communicating to Meet Everyone’s Needs

Talking with family members allows them to know what is important to you, and vice versa. Talking also allows for discussion about the pros and cons of multiple family members attending school at the same. Remember that your education is equally as important as your children’s.

You may also need to talk with your supervisor at work. To the extent possible, you will want to maintain a work schedule that leaves you with needed time for school. Knowing that you are working on your education will allow your supervisor and coworkers to support you as well.

Schedules, organization, and communication make having a successful education possible. In order to manage my responsibilities as a wife, mother, educator, and student, I make sure every objective is allotted time. No matter the method for making a schedule, this step is crucial in order to keep tasks organized and structured.

[Related: Tales of a Recovering College Dropout]

About the Author: Nichole Ahlstrom holds a Bachelors of Science in Criminal Justice Administration and a Master of Science in Psychology from the University of Phoenix. She is currently working on her Doctor of Management in Organizational Leadership degree with the University of Phoenix. Nichole lives in Okinawa, Japan with her husband, who is an active duty Marine, and they have two boys. Nichole has been affiliated with the Marine Corps since 2003. Nichole loves being a mother, spending time with her family, volunteering, exercising, and traveling.

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