APU Business Careers Careers & Learning

Are Business Cards Still a Relevant Networking Tool?

By Rowe Leathers
Contributor, Career Servicesfriend-job-referrals

A recent conversation with a colleague left me wondering if using business cards for networking is becoming obsolete. With the growing use of social media, is the business card no longer effective? Worse, does it make one appear dated and – eek! – very “90s”?

To some, the use of business cards is no longer relevant. However, it can’t be argued that within a business setting, they make exchanging contact information seamless. While many rely on their smartphones to gather contacts, not everyone is equally adept at operating their phones, especially if nerves are a factor. Truth be told, I’m not at all confident I can operate my own phone with ease in front of an audience. A handy business card solves the awkwardness and embarrassment of meeting people who are not current with smartphone technology.

The biggest argument against the use of business cards is that they quickly end up in the trash. So what? Giving away your card is just an excuse to get others’. Once your card leaves your hands, the final destination should not be your concern; your only concern should be to collect other people’s cards. Rationing your business cards takes away from its purpose. Most people will eventually trash your card, but, hopefully, you will keep theirs.

While the use of business cards may be declining, it is still the simplest, quickest, and most efficient way to connect. Even if you believe them to be obsolete, not having a business card to offer when asked is somewhat awkward. If you’re ever caught without one, simply say, “Sorry, I ran out, but I’ll take yours and reach out to you at a later time.”


Networking Tip: Use the back of a business card to jot down reminders of the conversation you had with the person. A brief mention of the topic when you reach out will help the other person remember you.

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