APU Careers Careers & Learning

Need to Meet? Don't Take a Seat, Take a Walk

walking-meetingBy J. Mason
Online Career Tips Editor

This novel concept of taking a meeting while you stroll can be planned, and shouldn’t just be a last resort for overbooked calendars. The idea of a walking meeting isn’t entirely new either. Nilofer Merchant talks about her approach and the benefits of this type of meeting in her TED Talk. It encourages creative thinking through a simple process. In her talk she explains that “getting out of the box leads to out of the box thinking.”

We’ve talked on here before about ways to reduce meeting abundance, as well as how to make meetings more productive. Nothing will suck the creativity out of you more than sitting in a poorly lit room while everyone is suffering from lack of sleep, low blood sugar, or a lack of interest. If you’re not a remote employee grab your target from their cube and walk and talk instead of sending over yet another meeting request. Take a tablet or smartphone to record notes, or you can create an audio file of your conversation that you can transcribe later. You’ll notice the free flowing of ideas because of the lack of khaki tented cube walls.

If you’re still needing a kick in the butt for moving off of your chair then set aside a pair of walking shoes at your desk. You’ll have them at the ready for lunch time health walks, and it will encourage you to grab a colleague for some fresh air. With the coming of Spring it will be a great visual setting, and a good time to get outdoors and start spreading the flow of new ideas.

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