APU Careers Careers & Learning

How to Nurture Originality

By J. Mason
Online Career Tips Editor

Sometimes it feels like an elephant is sitting on your brain, squishing out every ounce of creativity and original thought. So, what’s your backup plan? Peruse some blogs, read a couple of news articles, then maybe re-purpose something you saw on Pinterest. This may work for mundane tasks, or could spark a revision to a floundering campaign. What you’ll want to strive for is innovation and originality to be a standout among your colleagues.

Some ways I’ve found to get out of the redundancy rut is by embracing some distractions, and turning off others. For example:

  • Let your mind wander instead of checking your alerts in a long line for coffee.
  • Doodle instead of socializing.
  • Just write, if you’re a writer. If you’re a developer, create some basic code.
  • Visit a park or a museum.
  • Single out 3 things you love about your job, and 3 things you’d change about your company.

Most of these items you may have seen before, and that’s fine, it’s your outcome of each action that will breed a new concept you can apply to your work. The last point is to help you grow within your position. Those three things will carry you through the day to day, and give you something to really work for. What you would change about your company will help induce forward thinking that can potentially improve recurring processes, possible dysfunction, and better movement in your industry.

[see also: Work-Life Balance: Find Your Zen]

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