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How to Tell Which “Hot Job” Postings Are Best For You

By J. Mason
Online Career Tips Staff

If you frequent the blogosphere, there’s no doubt that you’ve seen numerous postings for all the great available jobs within your industry. When a number like 100 is put in front of the list, it’s even more exciting for those on the job hunt. Before you get too excited, take a step back and consider a few things when looking at the extensive list.

  1. Look at the location.
    Limiting yourself to one region could be career suicide, but if you have to stay put due to family obligations then consider locale.
  2. Check for experience level.
    It’s great to be ambitious, but do you have that 5 – 10 years of experience the company is looking for? Don’t fudge on the application, it’ll catch up to you in the interview.
  3. What company is it with?
    Do your research while you apply. Make sure it is something you can find yourself believing in. Also pay close attention to their market growth. If the business looks stagnant or in trouble, that may be your red flag.
  4. Does the end goal of the position match yours?
    If you’re applying for an administrative position, but want to be in creative, don’t stretch it! If there is potential in the company for what you’re looking for it may be a good way to get your foot in the door. Just don’t overlook what’s outlined in the position.
  5. Is there a catch on the description?
    Be thorough when you read through it, and make note of items that you’re expertly skilled in and things you may have questions on. They may sneak in a reference to a more valued component needed for the position. Just be prepared for a possible question on the skills listed in the posting.

Don’t sell yourself short in the end. If you’re looking at a career move, then place your bets carefully. If you see potential, then go ahead and apply!

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