APU Careers Careers & Learning

How to Bow Out Gracefully: Resigning From Your Job

By N. Cooper

Online Career Tips Staff

This topic isn’t often talked about, especially not in an informative and positive light. Let’s face it, at one point or another, we’re all going to have to quit a job.

Here are a few tips on how to resign professionally, and without burning bridges.  Whether you like your job (the one you want to quit) or not, you’re going to want to bow out gracefully… you never know when even your most hated coworkers will cross your path in your future.

  1. Alert your immediate manager first. Talk to your immediate boss before notifying your department head or HR staff.  Your boss will appreciate the heads up and lead time to come up with a plan.
  2. Write a short and sweet, but professional, resignation letter. Most companies require a letter of resignation to get the ball rolling (you know, the ball that ties up all your loose ends so you can leave); make sure it’s concise, professional, and includes: the date, a formal salutation, the date of your last day, and a formal closing.
  3. With your manager’s blessing, brief your coworkers or teammates. There’s nothing worse than feeling like you’re “that guy” who’s out of the loop.  Let your coworkers know your plans (you don’t have to give details), so no one feels left out and so rumors don’t start… transparency and honesty are the best policies!
  4. Don’t give up yet. Just because you’ve put in your two weeks doesn’t mean you’re done.  Make sure you continue to carry your weight and do what’s expected of you right up until the day you leave.
  5. Wrapping these tips into one: Leave on a good note.  Don’t burn bridges.
Best of luck in your endeavors!

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