APU Careers Careers & Learning

Email v. In-Person Conversation: How to Make Sure You’re Covered

By: J. Mason

Online Career Tips Staff

We all have a CYA file at work, and if you’ve never heard of it you need to start one! CYA translates to Cover Your (Butt). You keep track of projects, tasks, and conversations for use later, well so do others just in case things go down in flames. Make sure you take care of yourself professionally, while at the same time getting your job done.

Email is a necessary in the office. It’s how you share files, company news, project updates, and even trivial things like you’re leaving the office early because your little one is sick. Everything is tracked, EVERYTHING. So if you’re sending the latest dirty joke, or a co-worker a nasty email make sure you’re aware of the consequences as you’re pressing send.

So, when do you email for your CYA file, and when do you chat in person?

Try adopting some basic principles…

Use email if:

  • You need to contain details for the project you’re working on
  • You’ve been asked to complete a task and a group is copied on the email…respond with a smile – I don’t mean emoticons!
  • You’re sharing general information about the company, department, or an individuals status; if someone is sick and you’re letting everyone know how to get in touch with them
  • You need to share an update on the status of something
Talk in person when:
  • It’s friendly chatter
  • You want to vent about someone or something
  • You saw a funny image or story online. This can be sent through personal email though.
  • A co-worker indicates you’re at fault for something. Or in this situation, cool down and then reply. Chatting in person can help with a misunderstanding.
There are of course more specific uses for email in an office setting, but be smart about how you use it. While email is still more heavily used than chatter, phone calls, and meetings, things can get misconstrued. Make sure you meet in person to clarify, and then follow-up with an email summarizing your discussion. This way you know where to go next, and it’s documented.

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