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Should I Stay or Should I Go?

No one is happy about work every day. However, if there are more bad days than good at your workplace, maybe it’s time to evaluate what you do, why you do it and whether it’s time to make a change.

Start off with the easy questions.

  • Do you find it hard to focus at work? Do you look for ways to be distracted?

It’s easy to digress from work in today’s social media and instant messaging world. However, seeking out distractions could be an early warning sign of job dissatisfaction, along with disinterest in the work itself.

  • Do you count the minutes until 5 p.m. and the days until Friday?

You don’t have to make your job your life. On the other hand, many, if not most, professionals don’t work a strictly defined 40 hour week. Take stock if that’s how you approach your job. There should be plenty of days when quitting time comes before you know it.

  • Do you lack camaraderie with colleagues?

Professional relationships are important to job satisfaction. Work friends can help you deal with a tight deadline or a boss who’s having a bad day. Do you seek out the support of your colleagues or have you withdrawn from social interaction at work?

Now, ask yourself the tougher questions.

  • How do you feel about the success of the business or organization?

Employees should want their business or organization to succeed. It should mean good things for them. Are you proud to work there? Or do you find yourself uninterested in how your company is doing? Worse yet, maybe you secretly hope for a lay-off or for your position to be eliminated. This could be an indication that you need a change, but can’t make the decision yourself.

  • How do you feel physically and emotionally?

Could your unhappiness with your position or career be taking a physical and emotional toll? You can expect days or weeks that are more grueling than others. Be aware, though, if you’re feeling physically sick or mentally exhausted at the thought of a normal work week.

  • What do your friends and family think?

Seek the opinion of those you trust. Ask if they have noticed changes in your personality. They can help you determine whether your job might be the cause.

Finally, ask yourself if you’re doing your best. You can’t be happy at work if you’re not pleased with your contributions.

If you find you really do need a change, don’t be discouraged. It’s true that best time to look for a job is when you have one. Meanwhile, be sure to give your all while you’re clocked in. Then, use those work successes to help you land a position that makes you happy.

– By Online Career Tips Staff

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